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Tapping Into Other Inner Beings

Distilled Consciousness

People are made of spirit essentially so.
We have bodies but they’re just the vehicles for
Interacting with this time space reality.
Human beings are therefore a dichotomy
Of magnificence. Our work here is to be more
Than we are now. The purpose of life is to grow.

Inner beings are our spirits. Each has access
To all others, which means if we can tap into
Our own spirit then we have the ability
To communicate with others psychically.
Your connecting in this way can benefit you
And all others and can lead to your happiness.

The emotional scale determines how far we
Are from our inner being. So no matter where
We may find ourselves we can get to a new place
Where we are more receptive to infinite grace.
All it takes is a willingness to be aware
Of your spirit and trust in it wholeheartedly.

When you’re tuned into your inner being you will
Receive impulses also flashes of insight
Telling you there are others in contact with your
Inner being. You can be absolutely sure
That what you get from your inner being is right.
It takes no time at all to develop this skill.


Clarity Of Mind

The beginning of the rest of your life is right
At this moment. A new world can be frightening
And exciting all at once, and you’re protected
By divinity – the force that has directed
You thus far. You find life to be enlightening
For the most part. It seems that your future is bright.

Think outside the box. Don’t be afraid to explore
Your ideas with passion. Don’t be afraid to
Take chances and to fail in a very big way.
You have only one life. It has to be okay
To climb every mountain. The spirit within you
Keeps experiencing life and asking for more.

Dream big dreams but remember that dreams without goals
Are just dreams which if not acted on will decay
And fuel disappointment. Goals you can achieve
With consistency if in your heart you believe
That you’re worthy of having things work out your way.
You are living a life that no one else controls.

To achieve your goals discipline you must apply
Which you’re already doing. We don’t plan to fail,
But we fail to plan. What is your motivation
For continuing with this new life you’ve begun?
Ask yourself ‘why’ and answer in vivid detail
And your purpose the universe will satisfy.