The Magic Realist

Make Things Come Your Way


Focus only on wellbeing. Calibration
Is what people may call it. Segment Intending
Is preparing for the next scene of your own play.
A small series of segments makes up your whole day.
It’s therefore most advantageous if you’re spending
A few moments for each segment’s preparation.

You want to identify how you want to feel
In the next segment. Write it down on a notepad.
Because writing is a strong point of focus it
Is effective. You gain maximum benefit
In your writing it. It can become your comrade
When it comes to creating a segment ideal.

What’s easy to feel good about? “I’m thankful for
How I feel right now and for the segment to come.
I’m thankful that my point of attraction is strong.
I believe and know that I’m right where I belong.
I’m thankful that I’m getting all my guidance from
The same source that can offer me only much more.”

Talk yourself into wellbeing. Calibrating
To the whole of who you are is done in this way.
You’re soliciting from the environment the
Components that match your calibration, you see.
Calibrate to wellbeing and watch how your day
Will unfold. Be intent on what you’re creating.

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