The Magic Realist

Speak Up For Yourself

A Meeting

This world gives you two choices. You either can be
A bully or a doormat. This kind of thinking
Can get you into troublesome situations
With others, but the wisest people are the ones
Who know there are more choices. They are unshrinking
In the ways of relating most positively.

How do you Speak Up For Yourself without being
Angry and aggressive? You are always speaking
Up for yourself vibrationally. This is true.
The entire universe is responding to you.
It will bring to you whatever you are seeking.
With the process you must be fully agreeing.

Getting in someone’s face is clearly not the way
To resolve any issue. It makes things much worse.
Come into alignment with what you want and then
Speak from pure inspiration. It is only when
You rely on the power of the universe
Are you given the appropriate words to say.

When you have a strong negative reaction to
Some injustice, the question becomes apparent.
Do you brood in it and talk to others about
Your mistreatment? Do you get a bullhorn and shout
To the world all about it? Don’t be declarant
Of perceived lack of power. It is within you.

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