The Magic Realist


Happy About Life

When a car has its brake off, and it’s out of gear
On a steep hill, it will move and gain momentum
Very quickly downward. In the same way, I can
Go from satisfaction to a place better than
Mere contentment. There’s nothing I need overcome
But my own resistance and corruptible fear.

Satisfaction into ecstasy or into
Love or exhilaration, or into passion
Happens as I have practiced. It gets easier
To live life in a way that I most would prefer.
Finding ways to feel good is always in fashion.
The emotional scale is not something that’s new.

I can feel much relief if I go from despair
To revenge, for example. I have some control
With the latter. I don’t want to stay there too long.
In that state, I will end up doing something wrong.
Feeling better is always the ultimate goal.
Of my emotions I am constantly aware.

There is a fine tuning adjustment to be made.
The relief that I feel is more resistive than
Satisfaction, although relief is a good thing.
When I’m satisfied, doors then begin opening.
There’s no other way but to do all that I can
To stay happy. Before, I had been too afraid.

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