The Magic Realist

Feel Better Always

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Contrast is, by its nature, a wonderful thing.
It gives meaning to life. You need not feel badly
In the midst of a difficult situation.
You have choices, but before anything is done,
Feel your way to a better place. Then you will see
Clearly the value the contrast is offering.

What makes contrast not feel good is choosing poorly.
When you find fault with someone and feel negative
Emotion overcome you, you’ve not chosen well.
It’s a fortunate thing when quickly you can tell
That it’s happening. It isn’t worthwhile to give
That feeling more attention than there needs to be.

Why go there and feel that way? What sense can it make
To stay stuck in an ornery disposition?
It takes determination to get yourself free
From the torment. You must vow to live happily.
Your dreams then have the chance to come to fruition.
Know how you want to feel with every breath you take.

The difference between asking and complaining
Is enormous. Before your thought gains momentum,
You decide that it’s going to be a request.
Nothing will come about if it’s wrongly expressed.
You can get used to beating the happiness drum.
Keep yourself aligned with what is joy sustaining.

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