The Magic Realist

Your Abundance Vibration

Tuning Into Cash Flow

It begins with the feeling. It all grows from there.
Your abundance vibration is something you own
That no one else could ever. It’s rather unique
And composed of your thoughts and the words that you speak.
It attracts good things to you, and you’re not alone.
Every human alive needs to give it great care.

It’s not just about money. Ideas can flow
Like they have not an ending. Creation is good.
Among things you accomplish you relish the ease
That it is to do business. Life is meant to please.
You have practiced this premise. It’s well understood.
You may now take advantage of all that you know.

Since your point of attraction is mostly enhanced
By your practiced attention, things mostly work out.
You can tune your vibration to where it once was
No matter what the issue that became the cause
Of its loss in the first place. You have learned, no doubt,
Basic skills and are ready for the more advanced.

All is done for the feeling – the motive behind
Every act that’s committed. What you’re offering
Brings together resources, and people become
More involved with your enterprise. There may be some
Who will fill in the details of most everything.
Be surprised and delighted by what you will find.

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