The Magic Realist

The Frequency Of Abundance

The Attraction Vibration

There’s this thing called vibration. All things that exist
From subatomic particles to galaxies
Vibrate at their own frequency. It is the Law
Of Attraction
whose job it is to manage all

And to sort out the same ones. The complexities
One can’t fathom. The delicate mind does it twist.

Understand that the manifestations that will
Soon materialize each have a frequency.
If you tune yourself to it, it will come faster
And with minimal practice you’ll be a master
Of self-tuning. Your intent and focus are key.
Your dreams the universe has the urge to fulfill.

Abundance has a frequency. How does it feel?
If one could put words to it which ones would apply?
It feels like ease and freedom. It feels like fresh air.
It does not feel like jealousy, fear, or despair.
It feels like clarity – a most elegant high.
In your reality you create the ideal.

Money may be a tough subject to talk about.
There is too much momentum built up. So go for
Something else that feels just the same as abundance.
You’ve the ability in every circumstance
To practice the seed vibration. You can’t ignore
What you have much of already without a doubt.

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