The Magic Realist

What Is Real?

Alternate Reality

What’s it like to hallucinate? I’d imagine
That it’s much like reality, which is a dream
That all beings are having. What I know as real
Is due to my perspective which is a big deal
To my conscious awareness. But why does it seem
Such an issue? I do not know where to begin.

From the stuff that things are made of, my perspective
Is what calls them together into what I know
To be real. It’s in response to my vibration
That things take on physical manifestation.
My perspective can be my best friend or my foe.
I’m fully in touch with the human collective.

There’s nothing outside of my perspective. There’s no
Kind of reality beyond my perception.
I can tweak myself into alignment with my
Inner being. My perspective can remain high
Above folly unless I’m in the mood for fun.
The more real the excitement the more real the show.

Everything that is physical is much the same
As the nonphysical. The only difference
Is that what’s physical is exaggerated
So it feels real. The sense organs have created
A reality that must make absolute sense
To the psyche. Indeed all of life is a game.

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