The Magic Realist

Yin And Yang

For people in relationships, sometimes there’s stress.
But is there a solution? Can love be stress free?
What indeed is the nature of romantic love?
Is there spiritual guidance to make use of?
A sweetness of emotion love appears to be.
And it will be compulsive by nature’s ingress.

Nature wants to perpetuate. This is her way
In a real way, we’re coerced by genes and the flesh.
As we approach adulthood, the mind is hijacked
By the hormonal chemistry, thus we transact
In such ways that are natural. Love is a fresh
And healthy expression of most reverent play.

When the chemistry wears off, as in time, it will,
There must have been an effort to form a strong tie
To each other on a level deeply conscious.
If done so from the outset, such bonding will bless
The relationship lavishly. Nature is why
We are made to fulfill her most intimate thrill.

 Should couples remain faithful ‘til death do them part?
There remains certain beauty in living as one
For the long haul. To surrender is a good thing
For any human being. The heart does not sing
For the one who is all about self. There are none
Among those who are lovers who are of mean heart.

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