The Magic Realist

The Virtue Of Selfishness

Fountainhead of the Fearless

All were born to be selfish. There’s no other way
To live out life experience wholeheartedly.
If we all were not selfish, we could not exist.
To be self-less means breathing would cease and desist.
Fundamental the basis is for me to be
Fully conscious and self-aware most every day.

To extract from experience my own selfhood
Can be done but completely only when I’m dead.
Otherwise, I am in it for all that it’s worth.
Self and how I experience it since my birth
Is my primary focus. I’ll not be misled
By a notion that isn’t that well understood.

Selflessness is absurdity – an idea
That in fact is quite foolish. It has no meaning.
So, the question becomes, “Who does myself include?”
The answer is the key to how my life is viewed.

It can be cosmic or at least global a thing
And perhaps an effective pain panacea.

Redefining what selfish means gives me freedom
To step outside the boundaries placed in the mind
Giving oneself a false sense of separateness.
Universal Identity I can express
In a world that maybe was selfishly designed.
Selfishness is the only place where I come from.

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