The Magic Realist

Spiritual Energy Burst

Body And Spirit

Larger patterns influence the smaller in ways
That enhance the mundane and accent it with flair
For at least a brief moment. The time is enough
To perceive in the dullness more colorful stuff.
It’s an energy burst for the spirit to share
With the ones who are closest to honor and praise.

Something new in the making is due to emerge.
My internal divisions are smoothed over now.
Inner harmony helps the outer self to be
In a state of wellbeing that others can see.
Accurate are reflections that demonstrate how
Energy manifests in a positive surge.

A strong feeling of purpose I have overall.
I connect to humanity much as always.
No necessity is there to doubt this is true.
In an instant my outlook on life becomes new.
A good boost to the spirit elicits my praise
As long as I am willing to answer its call.

Totally beneficial are times such as these
When I see more than clearly the sense my life makes
In the worldwide community. I can do more
Than I felt I was able to ever before.
Life is hard, but it also has its lucky breaks.
They exist for the wiser among us to seize.

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