The Magic Realist

Public Recognition

Rising Hope

Public service is honored upon the release
Of the good servant’s spirit from this world’s affairs.
They receive recognition for what they have done
Above and beyond duty with selfishness none.
Destiny, when fulfilled here, continues upstairs
(In a manner of speaking). They then work in peace.

Societal acknowledgement of work well done
For their deeds of endearment to courage unbound
Is deemed as most appropriate for paying due
To heroic achievement. The acts of a few
Who have fought the good fight in this harsh battleground
Will continue. The time for much growth has begun.

Archetypes that ensoul public office provide
Most unique frames of references to the heart
That can feel people’s voices and sense what we need
In apparent confusion. The work will proceed,
As had been long before planned, if I do my part
To become of their memory someone with pride.

Ever near to completion, the work we’re assigned
While exploring the lifespan, is passed on to those
Who’ve been shown strength and courage. It’s up to us now
To demand what is just, as our freedoms allow.
Democracy has been given a bloody nose.
Can one ever forget that unless one is blind?

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