The Magic Realist


Observance of Eternity

Elemental observance is of the machine
Made of flesh, mind, and spirit, and prone to record
All that happens to itself throughout its time here.
Situations and facts can be looked at in fear
When unclearly they’re seen and improperly stored.
Measuring the experience keeps the thoughts clean.

The dichotomous nature of this time and space
Is to place full awareness on curricula
Of concerns most appropriate, urgently so.
Taking note and assessing the best way to go
That makes sense and feels healthy is simply what the
Body needs to protect itself from crimes of race.

 The unending cycles of events to the eye
Of casual observance are given to teach
All there is in a nutshell as vast as the space
Between parts of the engine. To fully embrace
And appreciate cause and effect is to reach
For the wisest solution that one can live by.

Each of all beheld moments are given freely
From that which must be infinite. Current events
Can be peaceful and private as changes occur
That are more in alignment with what most prefer.
Each system has a gut. If used right, it prevents
Misinterpretation of what happens to be.

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