The Magic Realist

Once You Get This

The Moment Of Profound Inspiration

Remember long division? It was such a bear
Because nobody does it but kids and teachers.
Calculators were invented to do that work.
We insist still on driving our young ones berserk.
It’s because they must graduate with full features.
It may be rather daunting and lead to despair.

So you’re stuck doing homework your child cannot do.
Long division’s a killer. He’s not good at math,
And his grades do reflect it. You give it a shot
And then check it hoping that you will not be caught.
He may guess that his teacher is some psychopath
Who believes mental torture is healthy for you.

When you spend some time with him, you come to find out
That he knows not his times tables. He just guesses.
Once this fault is corrected, then math is a breeze.
First Things First is the lesson here, then the child sees
That he can do his math work once he addresses
What is needed in order to mitigate doubt.

This is just like the Law Of Attraction in that
One must master the basics before anything
Of significance comes to manifestation.
Every problem then has only one solution.
Feel yourself into having. This one thing can bring
What you’re after. You must have the basics down pat.

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