The Magic Realist


Righteous Royalty

Ritual is of spirit. Spiritual, then,
Is the spirit of ritual and divine right.
Our ancestral achievements are our coat of arms.
Images are symbolic when taken as charms
That bestow noble blessing. Freedom is a fight
That must be fought in earnest lest we fail again.

Most exalted in character, royalty comes
With elongated history of noble rule.
Open winged and protected, no one is outside.
Integration of egos solidifies pride
In one effort united. A blended whirlpool
Of the best of our talents is what beats our drums.

Higher Office in spirit directs what I know
In my past, all the pain that I’ve caused out of fear.
As compared to my good deeds, I can think of none.
But I sense I’m not hopeless, and my work ain’t done.
I’ll pay off karma faster as I remain here.
I reflect well my nation, so how can I glow?

Leadership is genetic. The whole human race
Has its lifeforce at stake in how we get along.
Anyone can be human. The stretch is minute.
One who rules by the heart is profoundly astute
In the ways of The People who then are made strong.
It is not without wonder that I know my place.

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