The Magic Realist

More Souls In Heaven

The Perpetual Spiritual Balance

Nearly eight billion people there currently are
On this little old planet. That seems quite a lot,
But the population is not at its highest.
There have been times before when the planet was blessed
With much more than this many. This means we are not
In a popular crisis. We’ve not grown that far.

But where do all the souls come from? This I must ask
From my unique perspective as one single clump
Of a lump with some consciousness. It’s not easy
To see past the illusion that registers me
As a part of this time space reality dump.
So to answer the question now becomes my task.

Consciousness is nonphysical right from the start
Which in fact is eternal. It is flexible
And fluid in expression. I am not assigned
To one piece of the puzzle though I am inclined
To believe I’m a separate humanhood full.
As I look at this closely it’s not very smart.

I am from the nonphysical energy stream
From which come multifaceted consciousnesses
All experiencing this dimension as one.
Eternal is the being who’s ever begun
With an infinite number of ways to express.
In terms of the nonphysical, life is a dream.

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