The Magic Realist

Minutes For Health

Everyone has a routine if conscious or not.
It can be one of good health or destructive ways.
Everything is the body. No such thing as mind
Nor as anything else is the body designed
As a separate entity. Worthy of praise,
The body and technology are the same plot.

It is for transformation that I’ve taken form.
As the ripples in time that I make offer change
In my present surroundings, they change parts of me
That I don’t know need changing. The body can see
On a cellular level the proper exchange
That is needed to maintain its optimum norm.

Spirit, body and mind coalesce, as it were,
Into unified consciousness. Activity,
Rest and healthy food will keep the whole self in shape.
Being mindful in selfhood is the best escape
From the ills that befall me so effectively.
When I am in alignment, good health does occur.

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