The Magic Realist

Matter Of Heart

If I feel I’ve been cheated, I’m in a bad place.
Yet, that’s just what has happened. Should I go to war?
I’ve the right to seek justice for what has been done.
I can’t promise that I will not harm anyone.
In my blind, mindless rage I must even the score.
I’ll exact some remorse and do so with no grace.

As I replay this monologue, like déjà vu,
Can I see what is happening as a program
That I coded my damned self? The mechanics speak
Louder than any morals the pure heart may seek.
People do as they please, and they don’t give a damn
For the heart that is broken from lack of clear view.

Morals and life’s mechanics seem always at play.
What has broken is an understanding. That’s all.
People misunderstand things as par for the course.
I can learn to accept that or live with remorse.
Am I not a whole human? How then did I fall
For the myth that some other will brighten my day?

Creator and Creation – This relationship
Is the one most important. It is absolute!
Those with humans can’t be so. They’re subject to change.
I could hook up with dead folk, but that would be strange.
Should I thank the damned bastard and yield a salute,
Or just carry on smartly and not give a rip?

People are free to live life. I’m free to live mine.
It is then most acceptable that I find peace
In the knowing that in growing complete, I’ll be
Most attractive to those most in common with me.
There’s no such thing as cheating. There’s only release
From one’s own self-undoing. All is well and fine.

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