The Magic Realist

Illusions Of Survival

Convoluted Conundra

Save the planet? Or screw it? Before we decide
Just a moment of silence everyone should take…
Not the grim kind reserved to honor famous dead,
While programmed thoughts of sorrow run loose in one’s head.
Thoughtlessness of real silence, and not the opaque,
Is reality’s essence and intimate guide.

All manner of illusion confusion does breed.
Is ‘reality’ spiritual or of mass?
Concepts, constructions of words, and complex theories
Are but well-crafted entities of brain feces.
Since it’s not an idea, we reach an impasse
When we try to describe it, so on we proceed.

Living means surviving from pre-birth ‘til the end
Of a process uncertain as time is concerned.
So we need time and ego as well as money.
These three are the most rigidly illusory.
There is no past or future that can be discerned
In the present eternal where one may ascend.

The real self and the ego are never the same
Yet most don’t understand that so cannot believe.
A crude representation of self is ego.
If one values clear thinking, this is good to know.
To let go of all thought about what we perceive
Is to be in the realness that has not a name.

Now is not a clock tick – a specific instant
Where the future turns into the past. Now is more
Than the pop of a cork. It’s the sound of the gong
That awakens and resets all that is made wrong
Through our acts of surviving and our striving for
The true sense of fulfillment that living may grant.

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