The Magic Realist

I Am That I Am

Center Of Eternity

When you hear someone call your name you would expect
It to have come from a person and not a bush
That is burning. If such a thing happened to me
I would not be as calm and composed. I would be
Figuring out the fastest way to get my tush
Out of Dodge. Would my behavior be incorrect?

“Take your sandals off, Moses. You’re on holy ground.
I’m the God of your father, Isaac, Abraham,
And Jacob.”
Moses hid his face. He was afraid

That indeed some horrendous mistake had been made
Yet he did have courage because he didn’t scram
As I would have done. Bless him for hanging around.

God had orders for Moses. “Take your people out
Of Egypt and take them all back to Israel.”

Moses had questions but the biggest one he had
Was how would he convince folks he hadn’t gone mad.
“Who should I say that told me to do this, pray tell?”
That they would believe him he had tremendous doubt.

God replied, “Tell them ‘I Am That I Am’ sent you.
This is my name forever. This is how I’ll be
Remembered for many generations to come.”
It’s a name that makes you want to scratch your head some.

I Am is the name of God so naturally
When you utter the words I Am, you are that too.

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