The Magic Realist

How To Ask

Anatomy of Prayer

Asking moments happen while amid the contrast
That life offers whether or not I focus on
What I like or what I despise passionately.
If it came down to logic then I’d always be
Feeling good about asking. Energy is drawn
From attention to my dream. I remain steadfast.

Positive expectation of what I ask for
Is expected by forces that will bring about
What I want. As I want, the universe expands,
And I must become the person who understands
The nature of my asking. I need to chill out
And find other means of pleasure I can explore.

Tugs of war that I’m feeling in that place inside
Where all feeling is dealt with are sure enough signs
That I’m not in the right mood to do my asking.
To expand and not go there is devastating.
The slightest bit of doubt usually confines
One to where what is asked for is simply denied.

When I am fascinated and feeling passion
In the things that I’m doing, I know I’m on track
To be receptive to impulses and insights
From the broader perspective. My spirit delights
In the confirmations that I keep getting back.
I feel that my fine work here will never be done.

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