The Magic Realist

How Does Doubt Become Trust?

A Spiritual Transformation

Any person who meditates knows how it feels
To be at peace and thoughtless if but for a while.
Signs of things as you want them you may disbelieve
Out of habit. The images that you receive
Are the prelude to something complete and tactile.
One must be open to what life clearly reveals.

But you are meditating – quieting the mind.
In this way you suspend disbelief at your will.
One cannot remain thoughtless indefinitely.
Doubt returns as you experience ecstasy
In your dreams of fulfillment. The ultimate thrill
Is to know satisfaction in all that you find.

Do not go for certainty in any event.
It will goose up the distrust. Our reality
Will confirm that we shouldn’t believe it because
It has not happened yet. This logic has some flaws.
You may be thinking so much that you cannot see
Some way clear of the self-talk that causes torment.

You can feel satisfied in the thought of some thing
Not in having the power to make it happen.
Feel the satisfaction and in time it will turn
To the trust for which you most desperately yearn.
Practice feeling delighted again and again,
And find ever more things that will make your heart sing.

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