The Magic Realist

Group Integration

Positive Teamwok

Inculcating the feeling of teamwork among
Everyone is the challenge. Ego is the ball
That must be driven upward to a focal point
Where a circle receives it. The effort is joint
In the use of their skill to present it as small
In the large social context defined by the young.

Interestingly symbolic is the ball game.
The formation of one group acting as a whole
Is a process organic. One consciousness trains
The competitive spirit. No ego remains
Except one integrated to reaching one goal –
That of showing the world that we all are the same.

Cultural is emotional. More receptive
To the social collective and forces therein,
Girls appear more lighthearted and in it for fun.
There are rarely hard feelings when playing is done.
And no matter the victor both teams score the win.
They’re a stunning example of how we should live.

There’s no ‘life or death’ struggle. Of course there are those
Who would be the exception. Goodwill among friends
Cultivates a new truth. Glory can be time-shared.
Wholesome codes of behavior keep them well prepared.
If the team has key players, make them the team lens.
Character is the essence sorority shows.

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