The Magic Realist

Go Big

The Magic of Lucid Intent

By expecting the best, only good things can come.
There’s no toil to possess them. A breath of fresh air
Sets the process in motion to bring what I need
And with my best expression my spirit is freed.
Much good fortune and blessing is now mine to share.
I succumb to the beat of Big divine drum.

There’s increased optimism. A brighter outlook
Toward the realm of the mundane becomes part of me.
It may last for a Big while or only for now.
It depends on how much of God’s grace I allow
To infuse me with fortitude and eyes to see
All of life’s mystery as a wide open book.

Small successes are Big ones the moment I see
Each as part of the journey the body must take
So the spirit within me evolves at a pace
Most congruent with divinely provident grace.
There’s no such thing as failure as I come awake
To unknown possibilities offered to me.

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