The Magic Realist

Doctoral Pieces

Yes, I’ve earned a few letters to put past my name
But I didn’t get far enough to be called ‘doc.’
I’m a Master of Arts. My true self would agree.
Since I made it this far I am tickled to be
Just a half tier above the most sentient live rock.
I’m a glutton for knowledge. Is college the same?

I have gained most my knowledge outside the fine walls
Of our vast institutions of elegant thought.
I consume it by living our streets night and day
Staring into the faces who’ve no means to pay
For the blessings in life that should never be bought.
I would join with the homeless if I had the balls.

From true knowledge comes wisdom. Poor folks know that too.
They tell me that the ‘P’ word itself is a joke.
Have you huddled with homeless in dead, bitter cold?
I’ve done so a few times. It doesn’t get old.
I’m a voice of humanity here to evoke
[Not through doctoral thesis] the Fine Art in you.

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