The Magic Realist

Delight In Things Popping

Sensual Pleasures

Existence becomes fetish as small dreams unfold
Into ever expanding ones. Fake bubble wrap,
Protecting the fragility of the ego,
Is precise in its popping so that it may show
That I’m not just a magnet for negative crap.
There are things about life that are by me controlled.

Do not act until inspiration has ensued.
The momentum now flowing may be not the one
That is most beneficial. I must let it die
From my lack of attention. When my mood is high,
The new current created anoints me in fun.
I’ll behave with a clear positive attitude.

Feeling good can be chronic and quite natural
If it’s practiced intently. My conscious focus
On one thing that’s compelling will make way for more
Things to pop up and pleasure me. Need I keep score?
If I act under duress as if it’s a fuss,
Then I am rendered paddleless up shit canal.

I control what I focus on and for how long
Until practiced vibration becomes part of me.
I can choose the momentum that feels more sublime
Meaning that I have mastered the meaning of time.
All the good that I gather and offer for free
Gives me joy and fulfillment. It cannot be wrong.

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