The Magic Realist


Recursive Imbalance

Counteracting my efforts throughout a hard day
(As I would want to call it if not at my best)
Are the actions of others. So, in the spotlight
Is a fierce competition. Perhaps a good fight
Is appropriate simply because I’m not stressed.
Rather I’m motivated to see it my way.

Challenges in connection with all that I do
To maintain my existence I feel as sharp pain
Through the heart of my thinking. Can I see them as
Counterforces benevolent? My response has
All to do with my vision. The need to maintain
My true sense of belonging can hardly accrue.

At accomplishing goals that are lined in a row
I still knock them profusely like ducks at the fair.
This can be quite the campground of guarded delight.
Every being is doing what they think is right.
We would be not quite human if we didn’t care
About things worth our fighting for. Does it not show?

Tension amplifies character, when in the still
And the calm of the spirit, the moment is found
That brings balance to wisdom no matter its weight.
I am pissed, and I know it. This negative state
Need not be a directive. Nor should I expound
Any more in the issue. It is overkill.

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