The Magic Realist

Cats As Vibrational Healers

The Feline Element

They can help us be spiritual, people say
About cats because of their keen sense of the Tao.
They see things that are invisible to our eyes.
Vibrating on their level one can become wise
In the ways of relaxing. They can teach one how
To keep balanced the functions of sleep, work, and play.

You may learn to peer into other dimensions
By communicating on a psychic level
With the fine furry guru who has chosen you
As a viable student. They can help you through
Situations of stress that often bedevil
Your wellbeing and spirit with bad intentions.

Throughout history cats have been seen as creatures
With connection to spirit. Used in rituals
For achieving enlightenment, cats were revered.
Nowadays the idea is still not too weird.
When you feel that life has gotten you by the balls
Energy of the life force of your cat endures.

At a frequency close to the earth’s they vibrate.
Their connection to this world and that of spirit
Can be seen, for example, in that they can purr.
Tidiness and good exercise they most prefer
To the everyday hustle. They’re the perfect fit
For the soul wanting friendship and the alpha state.

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