The Magic Realist

Calm And Foresight

Calm Above The Storm

Lofty goals are achievable, and climbing high
Is but one way to reach them. If I look ahead,
In my mind, way beyond the incumbent turmoil
I’ll afford myself foresight. I need not embroil
Myself in all the drama that I’ve come to dread.
To ascend into clarity is worth a try.

Motivated by ego, my mission evolves
Toward a lifelong commitment to speaking my mind
And my heart. When in balance they animate me.
While improving my process further I can see.
Will this self end up being but one of a kind?
If it does would it be that my effort dissolves?

Confidence means reflection from others if I
Make it all too important that my words be read
By but one other self. I will do myself well
By remaining above cloud. In calmness I dwell
Wherein I am contented. I will not instead
Become one who is needy. My soul would then die.

Calm And Foresight is recommended in this case.
It’s by far the solution to get where I need.
Both the journey and reaching the destination
Can be done while I’m having a good share of fun.
Who but spirit can tell me that I should proceed
As they furnish the content in infinite grace?

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