The Magic Realist

Belief in the Backdrop of Reality

If I didn’t believe you, I wouldn’t be here
In this space-time enigma where I must exist.
You say I’m a flesh and blood body with soul
On a spinning rock, tiny, yet part of the whole
Of a vast inter-multiverse?  Need I enlist
My momentum of being, lest I disappear?

If I must believe something, there’s so much to choose
Of the myriad methods the mind has evolved
Just to ratify meaning where all may agree
That perceptions are billion-fold just as are we.
There’s no sign that this puzzle will ever be solved.
When I’m down the right rabbit hole, I’ll know the clues.

We’re devices with software that’s called our O.S.
Our programmed belief systems process the clues
Through arithmetic logic, machine cycled clean
So that all system users can never be seen
All at once.  If that happened, then all would refuse
To believe much in anything – Then, what a mess!

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