The Magic Realist

Artistic Matters

Concern With Expression

To attract the attention of those who discern
Things of exquisite taste in the world around us,
One must do something different from all the rest.
Contrast, texture, bright color, and affect expressed
Is what’s unique and novel enough to discuss
And behold as a work of aesthetic concern.

Attracting circumstances most picture perfect
Is accomplished by going the uncharted way
To the creative spirit. Direct is the course
That the artist within you exists to endorse.
Beauty of the beholder is what’s on display.
Each comes half way in finding the means to connect.

Relations public and social facilitate
Wide exposure to beauty. Attention is ours
To the greatness of works of art plentiful here
When the eyes are made whole in the absence of fear.
Anyone who creates from the dust of the stars
Is endowed with the freedom to reach a high state.

Prominent are the figures who put out the best
In the eyes of beholders who are listened to
For their expert beholding of lesser value.
What is considered art, then, should give one a clue
As to which voice to listen to and what to do
To remain positive as spirit would suggest.

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