The Magic Realist

Acts Of Faith

Absolute Belief

The illusion of separateness between me
And all others and everything gets in the way
Of my trusting the universe. It must be wise,
Much more so than I am with my limited eyes.
The Tao nourishes all things in consummate play.
Letting go of the ego, I may better see.

I’ve the need to relinquish my power façade
When I notice I’m up nights consumed in worry.
My decisions, well thought out, made under duress,
Yield calamitous outcomes and increasing stress.
Snap decisions made instantly happen to be
The right ones in the long run. Now isn’t that odd?

Faith enormous and heart moving cannot be blind
For the sight is beyond what the senses behold.
It’s a leap into wellness and feeling at ease
In the world that I’m one with. Its intent to please
I must know absolutely. What e’er may unfold,
When I see life correctly, is loving and kind.

To be one with the universe, trust that it will,
Through its infinite intellect, meet all my needs.
Treat it like it’s a dear friend whom I haven’t seen
For a really long time. Then the rapport between
Me and all that exists blossoms free of the weeds.
It and I are the same thing. This should make me chill.

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