The Magic Realist

A Spiritual Solution

The Asking

There’s an omnipotent spiritual Force at
Our fingertips that contains the solution to
All our problems. Their vibrations are different
From that of their solutions. If I’m in torment,
Then there is one of two things I can choose to do.
Life is not any more complicated than that.

I find myself reacting to situations
Instead of responding in a calm and cool way.
When the world seems insane, I can take a step back,
But I don’t sometimes. That’s why I’m so out of whack.
I create my own crises. The price that I pay
In so doing is seeking unwise solutions.

To react from a place of fear or to respond
From a place of alignment… These are my choices.
It’s easy to trust life when things are going well,
But through times of uncertainty and certain hell,
Can I get to a place where my heart rejoices?
Yes, it’s possible. My mind is a magic wand.

I’m the conscious decision maker of how I
Feel in each and every moment. I can impact
This world in better ways, if spiritually,
I can see the bigger picture much more clearly.
With the Force that supports me, I keep close contact.
It can become for me a most helpful ally.

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