The Magic Realist

Brave Blood

Strongly Principled

When Denahi’s first seen as an old and wise man
Telling stories to young ones, he is as he was
Until death claimed his brother. Good-natured was he.
Most determined and loving, He’d joke playfully.
His innate sense of humor did not take a pause.
He was one happy camper at one with his clan.

The demise of one brother brought on by a bear
Took a toll on his character. He became mean
And ruthless in demeanor. Vengeance was his goal.
In his bitter pursuit he became a dark soul.
His descent into madness was slow and obscene.
Anger grows into hatred and utter despair.

What had happened was this bear, provoked to a fight,
Killed the brother in anger. Indeed self-defense
Was the motive the bear had. The one who had died,
Now from spirit the sibling was able to guide
Denahi to some semblance of having some sense…
Not at first, but he used some spiritual might.

Turning brother to bear, what the spirit had done
Was to teach a firm lesson about forgiveness.
Animals are shamanic as brave people are.
The return to one’s old self is now a memoir.
Brother bears are not obvious… that is unless
One transcends dark emotion. Then peace has begun.

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