The Magic Realist

Leaving A Fear Based Reality

Releasing The Fear

The Collective Unconscious all people create.
It contains memories of which we’re not aware…
Also archetypes. It is a vast database
That has the history of the whole human race.
We all have access to it, and through it we share
Basic understandings that are without debate.

Archetypes are symbols we know instinctively.
‘The Mother’ is a perfect example of one.
Everyone, no matter how different they are,
Will respond in the same way (which isn’t bizarre)
To a mothering figure. There’s a connection
Among oneself and others most naturally.

Always cultures of domination are fear based.
Those who dominate believe they have no power
To create their reality. So they become
The despicable tyrants whose actions come from
A deep need to be noticed. The will to devour
Is of self-centered righteousness and is misplaced.

To deny that you’re in denial reinforces
Negative belief systems. Then you will project
Onto others what in yourself you truly hate.
Understand that we are not the victims of fate.
Knowledge of what is dealt with may serve to protect
One from the depletion of psychic resources.

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