The Magic Realist

What The Mind Is Made For

Maintaining the Mental Machine

Nothing goes anywhere when the mind has begun
A cacophonous symphony of confusion.
It stays right where the rest of me happens to be.
Body, mind, and the spirit are all parts of me.
They exist in proximity and act as one.
Even though nothing travels, much of it is done.

So, it’s just an illusion – my taking a ride
On the long mental freeway with exits galore.
Though I’m not really moving, I get motion sick.
Am I the only one who can do such a trick?
I don’t mind that it races. Places I abhor
That it chooses to visit as peace I’m denied.

Why this happens is because I’ve identified
With things that are not me, and there’s no other way
To live life without clinging to identities.
It becomes a big forest with too many trees
To be dealt with even on a fairly good day.
For this reason the mind cannot be the best guide.

The mind is made to give life ample clarity
And deep penetration into experience
But without getting hung up on too many things.
Distance from what the mind is doing often brings
Some relief from the chatter which can get intense.
What The Mind Is Made For is to help me to be.

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