The Magic Realist

Too Much Distraction?


The onslaught of technology leaves in its wake
Generations of people with nothing to do
But respond to society through devices.
Confusion may be one of the highest prices
To be paid for connection. Your attention to
All the input can sometimes be a big mistake.

Are there times when distraction can be a good thing?
Yes. When you’re not lined up with your inner being
Then distraction is helpful. It takes you away
From the thing that is causing you stress and dismay.
See the way that you inner being is seeing.
Clarity will result from your refocusing.

So instead of calling it distraction, call it
Being focused when it feels delightful to you.
If you’re lined up with your inner being, focus.
If you’re not then distract yourself. Give an a-plus
To yourself for having done what you need to do
To stay mentally and spiritually fit.

Not too far off your course can distractions take you
If you’re conscious of how each is making you feel.
If it doesn’t feel wholesome, then leave it alone.
You can rely on what forever has been known
To be most beneficial and most ideal.
Focusing is something you can happily do.

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