The Magic Realist

This Race Called Life

All Life As One

Once upon a time there was a young fellow who
Was athletic. He had a hunger for success.
Seemingly it was all about winning for him.
He decided to run in a race on a whim.
Competition would bring him extreme happiness.
Accepting the challenge was the right thing to do.

People gathered to see the race. One wise old man
Who attended was quiet while all others cheered
As the boy came in first place, but the boy was proud.
All the cheers and excitement were blissfully loud,
But the old man was silent which was rather weird.
He did not appear to be an avid sports fan.

Another race was called sometime after the first.
Two young fit challengers the boy did overcome,
And the crowd was ecstatic. The old man was not.
To the young boy this silence did matter a lot.
“Where on earth is this quiet old man coming from?
Would it matter to him if I did but my worst?”

The wise man offered him two opponents who were
Elderly and disabled. “Now run with these two.”
But the boy was perplexed. The old man insisted.
The boy won, but the excitement that existed
With the crowd was no longer, except for a few.
This is not the reaction the boy would prefer.

In This Race Called Life, who is running next to you?
Are they weaker? Do you help them to cross the line?
When we all win together, that is the best race.
What the crowd cheers is giving a loving embrace
To your fellow contestants in life. You will shine
As a person. Do consider this point of view.

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