The Magic Realist

The Secret

Classified Knowledge

You Can’t Make A Mistake. That’s it in a nutshell.
In fact, it’s quite impossible to get it wrong.
You know naturally how your life should unfold,
But society says you must do as your told.
It’s a game we’ve created. We all play along
Not knowing in the long run it makes us unwell.

You are told that you may make mistakes or may not.
It’s a conscious decision once you know the rules.
You must do the right things at the right times and be
Submissive to societal authority.
You are one of the many magnificent fools
Of a culture caught up in a sinister plot.

From childhood we are told of three separate tiers
Of people – top, middle, and bottom. No one can
Exist without the other two. Everybody
Tries to get to the top one unsuccessfully.
There’s the notion that some people are better than
Others, and it’s the basis of most of our fears.

In a constant state of competition we are.
Getting on top of things is our grand obsession.
In another direction you may want to go
As the boredom and signs of ill health start to show.
The game is a problem without a solution.
Once you’ve reached this conclusion you’ve come very far.

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