The Magic Realist

The Last Holdout

The Resistance Of Thinking

What is the difference between wishful thinking
And true knowing? What if it’s appreciation
For the life that I’m living for every reason
That is positive? Now is the perfect season
To find bliss in pure nothingness and the warm sun.
There’s no reason to think that my world is shrinking.

The bounce I do appreciate from a bad place
To a better one, or I could choose not to see
That there is some relief and continue to whine
When I know deep down inside that everything’s fine.
I’ve played that game for so long. I’d rather be free
To be in the mode of receiving divine grace.

Unseen forces that make worlds also orchestrate
The movement of all matter, and every event
Is already assembled. I just have to be
A cooperative component willingly.
If I do so, I’ll save myself useless torment.
All I have to do more of is appreciate.

I know what feeling good is and how to get there.
Staying there is an issue I still must work on.
But I can’t figure life out. That’s already done.
So instead of thinking I should be having fun.
To the geekiness in this verse do give a yawn.
Being not The Last Holdout, my heart I must share.

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