The Magic Realist

The Big Piece

The Last Needed Thing

All of life is but a series of connections
That are made much at random. I can’t on my own
Find the one that will take me to the very end
Of my life’s journey. This moment doesn’t depend
On my making things happen. I’m never alone.
I consider myself of the fortunate ones.

I want to keep my receptors as receptive
As is possible. In this way I co-create
With others instead of any confrontation.
I don’t need to do anything because It’s Done.
All I need be is thankful for what’s on my plate.
There is no doubt about the way that I must live.

It can be that vibrational experience
That I’m having with others in this here and now.
Sometimes I’ll have an exchange with someone who will
In a way unbeknownst to them greatly fulfill
The thing I had been seeking. I need but allow
Each new moment to be filled with thrilling suspense.

I don’t need to identify all the pieces
Where each came from and how each fits into the whole.
All that is done already. My work is for now
To enhance receptivity. I am taught how
By my innermost being – the heart of my soul.
In each moment is where momentum increases.

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