The Magic Realist

Start A New Life

Doorway To Clarity

What is the purpose of my life experience?
I’m a creator. I want mostly to express
That in this physical dimension while I’m here.
I discern and decide until I’m very clear
About what I want in life, which is happiness.
Life’s variety leaves me in utter suspense.

By the power of my will and ability
To focus upon that which I want, I attract
Anything I want to me. When I give my thought
Great emotion is when my vibration is brought
To a much higher frequency. This well-known fact
Is one that’s become most beneficial to me.

I sift through the data of my environment.
I’ll wake up every morning intending that I
Will look everywhere for things to feel good about.
I know that everything for me always works out
For the better. It’s good that I don’t have to try
To force things to go my way. Such time is ill spent.

I will go to the stores where the things I like are,
And I’ll watch those who look, walk, and feel the way I
Want to look, walk, and feel. To selectively sift
Through the data is indeed a most precious gift.
I embrace the spiritual laws that apply.
Anything I want in life is never too far.

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