The Magic Realist

Spectral Shades Of God’s Darker Thoughts


When God Thinks, life is born, and all good things take place.
Would one think that divine thoughts are lame like our own?
No! They’re complex and powerful. They’ve become real.
Our thoughts, when we direct them, can get us to feel.
But the thoughts of a deity make flesh and bone
And endow them with nature’s protection and grace.

So, how come there are good and bad ‘thoughts’ that exist
In the mind of a being who is only good?
One would think that omnipotence knows not of bad
Nor would want to create such a hell, I might add.
Boredom is then established though not understood
By the soul of creation that is not as blissed.

Oneself Blessed into Boredom could Be the Big Bang
If no other selves offer to make themselves known.
I would call mine a good self if I were but one
And the only one being. I’d then create fun.
Could I not see how I’d become wayward thought prone?
From one simple good thought the whole universe sprang.

We’ve control of our thinking, thinking we belong
To the set of all thoughts that God will entertain
Throughout all of existence and unfathomed time.
How to return to good thoughts from mayhem and crime
Therefore can be pursued with the hope of some gain.
Perhaps, reaching that point, we’ll have transcended wrong.

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