The Magic Realist

Retying Loose Ends

Mind At Work

Reconnecting the dots is a chore done within
Where they often become largely in disarray
And disjointed from structure that didn’t hold strong.
My beliefs go through changes. There’s no right or wrong.
But what’s left are the loose ends I’d hoped wouldn’t fray.
To not try to retie them would be mortal sin.

I absorb information and articulate
With a passion persuasive. But I need a break
From the mind who may think that it is part of me.
It remains but a concept most arguably.
What I have is a consciousness strangely awake
In a world thick and heavy in physical weight.

Socializing is fruitful as is time alone.
Within every half cycle, a moment of rest
Must proceed crossing over into the next phase
Of the journey repeated. Repeated delays
Are not part of the process. This is for the best.
Restoration is healthy as studies have shown.

In no part of a sudden can all be made well.
Some things take quit a long time to work themselves out.
I’m delighted to spend all of it flying high.
Things that I can take care of at least I will try.
Life is not about pity and useless self-doubt.
Though this is known already, still I like to tell.

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