The Magic Realist

Reprogram Your Mind

Mind Puzzle

The subconscious mind is responsible for much
Of our thinking, behaviors, and actions and so
It determines much of our life circumstances.
We can think consciously but slim are the chances
That we change the subconscious mind. We cannot go
To that place easily due to nature and such.

Most people have a vague idea of how their
Subconscious minds impact them but they don’t fully
Understand it. They hear about it and think, “Oh
That’s entrancing but is it something I should know?”

So they never work at it intentionally.
It is hoped that this message is helpful to share.

Change the habit of something that doesn’t matter
Like which shoe to put on first. After a few weeks
Of your doing this consciously you’ll come to know
That you can break any habit and you will show
Yourself that you’re a master of subtle techniques.
Of your mind energy it takes but a smatter.

Negative thought creates tension in the body.
Take time to imagine yourself calm and relaxed.
The more your body becomes accustomed to it
The subconscious mind gains maximum benefit
From your conscious intention. It sucks to be taxed
By behaviors you can get rid of completely.

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