The Magic Realist

Purpose And Meaning

The Reason For Existence

Until now my existence is like a pinball
Being bounced ever wickedly. The difference
Is that no points accumulate. Is this okay?
Is the rest of this mad world living quite this way?
I keep wishing that my life would make perfect sense.
I believe that my thinking needs an overhaul.

My purpose will always be found in service to
Other people, and if I can just for one day
Concentrate on making life better for someone
I’ll feel fulfilled because of this thing I have done.
Providing service to others, wise people say,
Is the key to my happiness, and this is true.

To touch someone’s life is more valuable than
Any amount of money. This ancient concept
Is still relevant now. People are best fulfilled
In their service to others. Most people are thrilled
To do that. It is best that illusion is kept
To a bare minimum. I believe that I can.

To believe that I need what I don’t have is not
Sane and healthy. Connecting to the energy
That takes care of everything is all that I need.
Living this way, my creative spirit is freed
To grow into the person who I want to be.
I still have some time left to give life all I’ve got.

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