The Magic Realist

Never Look Back

Broad Horizon

There’s a part of you that cannot ever look back.
It’s your inner being – the spirit within you
That can only look forward as you lag behind
In the past or the present. Even if you find
Some delight there, your spirit desires something new.
Of the past your inner being doesn’t keep track.

Your inner being distracts you from what’s back there
Because that’s really old news. What’s manifesting
In the present is neither of interest to
Your spirit and you can tell what it wants to do
By the way that you’re feeling while you’re requesting
Clarity. What you want is to be more aware.

Spend less time analyzing things and just do more
Romping and laughing with your friends knowing that you
Don’t have to look for trouble. You can’t weed things out.
It will only create more confusion and doubt.
From the past there is nothing you can apply to
What’s becoming and all that is worth living for.

The only battle going on is between you
And your own inner being and you are the one
Waging battle. Your inner being just says, “Hey,
You told me that you wanted to have a great day
And I certainly can help you to get that done.”

May you become accustomed to its point of view.

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