The Magic Realist

Just Let Things Be!


I’ve released enough resistance. I’ve lots of fun.
I know that things are always working out for me.
If I am here to make this world a better place,
Then I need to know which purpose I must embrace.
Should I focus on what I want or let things be?
Do I need to do something to get something done?

I do not have control over this world, so I
Might as well let things be because I have no choice.
Life causes me to ask for something different,
Then the universe will pick up on my intent.
Among billions, there’s enough reason to rejoice.
So, if change isn’t happening, we should know why.

As long as I don’t focus in opposition
To what I want, I’m okay. There’s no resistance
To my better ideas. The universe will
Do its best to fulfill me. I live for the thrill
Of observing things happen. I know at first glance
That I’m the creator of each and every one.

Giving up the resistance means letting things be.
In so doing, wonderful things start happening.
Line up with every good feeling notion that you
Can give birth to. Life can be exciting and new.
You can be, do, or have, in this world, anything.
Know that the universe supports you eagerly.

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