The Magic Realist

It Gets Better

Expressing Cheer

Look for more positive aspects. Be more aware
Of the blessings bestowed upon you every day.
Take notice of the good things that happen for you.
You will cultivate a positive point of view
In so doing. You’ll find that it is the best way
To move out of a state where you simply don’t care.

If you struggle with a negative attitude
Or if you’re haunted by feelings of guilt or shame
Then you must find a better feeling frequency.
Perhaps you think that you can’t do this easily
But you can and your sense of self you can reclaim
And your feeling of worthiness can be renewed.

Positive aspects may be difficult to find
At first try but it’s imperative that you start
Finding things to appreciate right here and now
About you and your life. In this way you allow
Divine purpose and meaning to enter your heart.
Blessed are those who finally learn to be kind.

It Gets Better once you decide that it will be.
When you find things about yourself you like then you
Will find more of those things in others and the world.
Mysteries of the universe will be unfurled
In your consciousness as you pay attention to
Your prime directive which is to live happily.

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