The Magic Realist

In The Interest Of Service

The Habitual Being

The trustworthy old gentleman practiced and sure
Is an asset most treasured by the family.
When the Madame requires him to write up a will
He’ll rely on his expertise and awesome skill
To provide what is needed most desperately.
She is lucky to have found someone who’s mature.

Both discrete and provocative, odd are his ways
Of conducting most business. His good memory
And attention to detail are masterful tools.
Not committed to following all of the rules,
He commands a uniqueness others clearly see.
His professional nature is worthy of praise.

Blessed with able longevity and a kind heart,
Not a task he surrenders to feelings of lack.
Staying forever young both in heart and in mind
And without conscious effort means that he’s refined
So he will not engage with people talking smack.
It’s a waste of his time because they’re not as smart.

Competent as a lawyer, he knows that laughter
And a fun-loving attitude go a long way
In maintaining commitment that brilliantly shines
Through the cracks of establishment and redefines
The way work can get done so there’s more time to play
In the way nature meant and how he would prefer.

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